As we move into July, we realise that bonfire night is only 4 months away, and the mild panic starts to set in!
Unfortunately, we started the month by saying Goodbye to Mick Turner, who was an active member until the end. His funeral saw lots of members turn out, and he would have loved that we held up the traffic in the high street while fireworks went off on the Abbey Green. We will honour Mick again on bonfire night.
We also sadly learnt of the passing of member Bobby Waite (Ginger Bob), who was well known in the town.
On to happier events, the smaller version of our big weekend went ahead at the end of June and was a great success.
It was extremely well supported by members of the public, so much so that the BBQ team had to do extra runs to the shops for more stock!
The newly added Tug o War competition proved popular, with The Bull Inn walking away victorious.
The event has made a positive impact on our funds and will help ensure a great bonfire night in November.

We also held our Gunpowder Run in right at the start of July. Entry numbers were very low, which was expected. However, we still managed to raise some money. We are looking to try and secure a date earlier in the year for the event in 2023.
Later in the month, we see a team of keen stoolball players head to Lewes to play in the Cliffe Bonfire Stoolball Tournament. A report will come next month (but don’t hold out too much hope!)
Dates for your diary
The annual BBB 10K run takes place on Sunday 4th, and we are on the hunt for marshalls. If you can help, then please get in touch with Matt. The race starts at 10am and is normally all done by 11.30
We are looking for nominations for our next President who will be voted in at the August meeting. If you have someone you would like to propose, please let Matt know